Factors contributing to increase in domestic violence in Kenya

It is undisputable that domestic violence exists and is increasing in our midst. It occurs across all cultures and communities, irrespective of socio economic status. Domestic violence and abuse do not discriminate. Abuse happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. While women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused—especially verbally and emotionally. The study established a pervasive increase in the number of cases of domestic violence taking several forms including physical, economic, sexual and emotional and/or psychological.

Our response:

We disseminate research findings and recommendations to government agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice for purposes of policy planning and formulation.


What you can do to help

You can help prevent domestic violence  related crimes and security threats in Kenya by reporting to the Police, NCRC website (http://crimeresearch.go.ke/report-crimes/) and   NCRC Mobile Phone Crime Reporting/Monitoring tool from  mobile phones operating systems: Google Playstore, applestore and Windows Store, (Free Service)