Types and prevalence of crimes:1. Based on your knowledge and/or experience, would you say there are crimes committed in this locality?2. In the last 12 months, have you and/or a member of your family experienced or witnessed a crime(s) in this locality?3. Name specific areas/places (hotspots) in this locality where crimes mostly occur.Root causes of crimes:4. What are the root causes of crimes in this locality?Perpetrators and victims of crimes:5. Who would you say are the perpetrators of crimes in this locality?6. Who would you say are the victims of crimes in this locality?Mode of operation of criminals:7. At what time of the day are crimes mostly committed in this locality?8. What day(s) of the week are crimes most likely to occur in this locality?9. What time of the month are crimes most likely to occur in this locality?10. During the year, when are crimes highest in this locality?11. How do criminals commit crimes against their victims?Consequences of crimes:12. What are the consequences of crimes in this locality?Challenges in addressing crimes:13. In your view and/or experience, what do you think are the challenges faced in addressing crimes in this locality?Recommendations to address crimes:14. What are your recommendations to effectively address crimes in this locality? Δ