News and Articles on Crime
Mapping Cannabis Trafficking in Kenya
Drugs trafficking and abuse are major global problems. Criminal networks traffic a range of drugs, including cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine among others. As international borders become increasingly connected, the global movement, accessibility and abuse [...]
Religion and Crime in Kenya
Religion has historically been perceived as a unifying force, connecting individuals to their communities, creating a sense of identity and belonging, communicating societal objectives, and instilling moral values. Serving as a metaphysical link, religion has [...]
Impact of the Bail and Bond Policy Guidelines in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Kenya
The difference between bail and bond is a subtle one, but it ultimately comes down to securing the freedom of the accused person (Nduru, 2018). Bail is defined as an agreement between an accused person [...]
Managing the Dangerous Drift in Livestock Rustling and Banditry in Kenya
Livestock rustling and banditry activities pose a significant threat to the national security of any country, leading to severe economic disruptions, as well as political and social upheavals at both the national and community levels. [...]
Enforcement Challenges to Illicit Alcohol in Kenya
Alcohol and drugs trafficking are major problems the world over. It affects all parts of the world either as the source, transit or destination. Criminal networks traffic a range of illicit alcohol and drugs, including [...]
Communication Technology Crimes and Offences in Kenya
This study report comprehensively assesses the prevalence, characteristics, impacts, and challenges of ICT crimes and offences in Kenya. The study found out the most common ICT crimes computer fraud, identity theft and impersonation, and interception [...]
Efficacy and Adequacy Of Criminal Justice Agencies in Kenya: The Case of Children in Conflict with The Law
Study to assessed the efficacy and adequacy of the criminal justice agencies to evaluate the programs and services in place for addressing the needs of children in conflict with the law. The findings of the [...]
National Victimization Survey
The National Crime Victimization Survey was undertaken to map out and analyze the trends of crime victimization to inform policy interventions. Notably, the survey found out that over 50% of Kenyans reported to have been [...]
National Crime Mapping, 2022
National Crime Mapping, 2022 sought to map out crime prevalence and trends in the country; establish the main perpetrators of crimes; factors contributing to crime; the modus operandi of crime perpetrators; consequences of crime; and [...]
Issue No.1 of 2024
Our Newsletter will serve as a platform to highlight our research initiatives, share insight from experts in the field, showcase success stories, and keep you informed about upcoming events and opportunities Click here to download [...]
Public Perceptions and Experiences on the Access to Criminal Justice in Kenya
Access to criminal justice is critical in the promotion and protection of the rule of law. It is an essential element that entails the degree to which the parties involved are accorded fairness; justness of [...]
Baseline Study On Land -Related Crimes And Offences in Kenya Info-graphic
Land is an emotive issue in Kenya because it is perceived to bear significant political, economic, socio-cultural and development value to the lives of the people. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of [...]
Top Crimes in Kenya as per NCRC’s 2022 National Crime Mapping
Top Crimes in Kenya as per NCRC's 2022 National Crime Mapping
Report on Criminality in Kenya in the Context of Covid -19
Report on Criminality in Kenya in the Context of Covid -19
Preliminary Report on 2022 National Crime Victimization Survey
Preliminary Report on 2022 National Crime Victimization Survey
Preliminary Report on 2022 National Crime Mapping
Preliminary Report on 2022 National Crime Mapping
Infographics on Public Perceptions and Experiences on the Loss of Criminal Cases in Law Courts by The Government of Kenya
When criminal cases are significantly lost through acquittals, dismissals and withdrawals, the goals of the penal system – rehabilitation, retribution, deterrence and incapacitation, are impaired occasioning the commission of more crimes and indeed an increase [...]
Baseline Study On Land -Related Crimes And Offences in Kenya Infographic
Land is an emotive issue in Kenya because it is perceived to bear significant political, economic, socio-cultural and development value to the lives of the people. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of [...]
The Issue No.5/2021
This Issue gives details of The National Conference on the State of Crime and its Prevention hosted by the National Crime Research Centre in Kenya on Wednesday 10th, March 2021. In it, The Cabinet Secretary, [...]
The Issue No.4/2021
The 4th Issue of NCRC's newsletter introduces key events undertaken by NCRC during its 2nd quarter of the financial year 2020/21. The newsletter highlights NCRC's National State of Crime Conference which has been scheduled for [...]
Protecting the Family in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya
Protecting the Family in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic : Addressing the Escalating Cases of Gender Based Violence, Girl Child Disempowerment and Violations of Childrens Rights in Kenya. Summary of Findings and Recommendations [...]
The Issue No.3/2020
The 3rd Issue of NCRC's newsletter introduces key events undertaken by NCRC during its first quarter of the financial year 2020/21. Key amongst these activities are; The Presidential Directive to NCRC to probe on rising cases of gender-based violence, girl [...]
Water scarcity is Now a Pervasive Feature of Kenya’s Social Ecology….
Water scarcity is now a pervasive feature of Kenya’s social ecology, attributed variously to growing demographic pressures, land use changes, environmental degradation, and the apparent influences of climate change. This project seeks to explore how [...]
The Issue, February – May 2020
This issue introduces advisories issued by NCRC towards containment of criminal activities in the wake of covid-19 pandemic. Further, towards enhancing access and use of its library resources and services, we highlight NCRC's Integrated Library [...]
The Issue, October 2019 – January 2020
This Issue provides a concise yet comprehensive picture of all the news generated by the Centre, Click here to download