What we offer
1. Crime Research
The role of the National Crime Research Centre is to conduct crime research into the trends, root causes, consequences and prevention of crime. This is with a view to inform agencies in the criminal justice system to formulate policies geared towards addressing crime.
This is done in three ways namely:
- In-house research
- Research requests by other Agencies within the criminal justice system especially Public and Private institutions under the National Council for Administration of Justice.
- Research through collaboration and partnerships.
2. Crime Advisory
This entails provision of crime advisories on research findings arising from crime research reports conducted by the Centre, analyzed crime data from collated reports from Agencies in the criminal justice system and findings from research through collaboration and partnerships. This is done through policy and issue briefs which provide evidence-based crime information for policy formulation, planning and decision making.
3. Crime Data Repository
The Centre coordinates crime incidence monitoring system for the country, spearheads integration of crimes reports from various agencies and analyzes such collated reports to generate national crime trends.
In addition, NCRC maintains a crime data management system aimed at providing a coordinated research platform for scholars to access information from a common source.
4. Crime Report Dissemination
The Centre facilitates sharing of the information with agencies in the administration of criminal justice, the public and other interested stakeholders. Effective management of crime in the country demands timely sharing of valid, reliable and evidence-based crime information.
This is done through web-based sharing, print media, publications, dissemination forums and online crime stopper information platforms designed to increase access to crime research information at the national and county government level.
5. Crime Reporting
The Centre has developed a mobile application for citizens to report crime incidences in their locality. This application can be downloaded from three mobile phone operating systems namely android, windows and apple.
It complements the police occurrence book and is aimed at capturing unreported crime. It also accords members of the public the opportunity to take charge of reporting a crime they have witnessed without necessarily going through the police crime reporting system.
Further, the services of crime reporting also includes digital media such as e-mails, website, Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp.
6. Crime Prevention
The Centre conducts regular awareness creation campaigns to inform the public about available services, to win public confidence to provide the Centre with crime information and to educate them on how to access services at the Centre.