
To carry out research into the causes of crime and its prevention and to disseminate the research findings and recommendations to the Government Agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice and other stakeholders.


As provided for in Section 5 of the National Crime Research Act, for the attainment of its objects, the Centre shall:

  1. Carry out coordinated research into, and evaluate the impact of, programmes pursued by the agencies responsible for the administration of criminal justice;
  2. Collate all crime related data;
  3. Carry out research into any criminal activity and in particular-
    • Crime causation and prevention;
    •  Group or culture related crimes;
    •  Socio-political and economic causes of criminal behavior including drug trafficking, peddling or addiction;
    •  The modus operandi of persons engaged in any criminal activity;
    •  Juvenile delinquency;
  4. Carry out research into deviations from the criminal justice system with a view to increasing the awareness and responsibility of the community in the rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
  5. Carry out research into the efficacy and adequacy of criminal investigation and prosecution agencies, the panel system and the treatment of criminal offenders;
  6. Disseminate its research findings through publications,workshops,seminars, the mass media and other appropriate means of dissemination.
  7. Communicate its research findings and recommendations to the agencies of Government concerned with administration of criminal justice,with a view to assisting them in their policy formulation and planning;
  8. Liaise with any other research bodies within or outside Kenya engaged in the pursuit of similar or related research.