Issues and Policy Briefs
- Issue Brief on Challenges Faced in Preventing and Combating Kidnappings
- Issue Brief on Effects of Election Crimes and Offences
- Perpetrators of Election Crimes and Offences in Kenya-2.pdf
- Issue Brief on Challenges Faced in the Control of Election Crimes and Offences in Kenya
- Issue Brief on Election Crimes and Offences in Kenya 2016
- Issue Brief on Perpetrators of Election Crimes and Offences in Kenya
- Issue Brief on Motives and Factors Encouraging Kidnappings in Kenya
- Issue Brief on Prevalence of the Crime of Kidnappings
- Issue Brief on the Main Victims and Perpetrators of Kidnappings
- Issue Brief on the Modes of Executing Kidnappings
- Issue Brief on the Role of the Community in Kidnappings
- Issue Brief on the Effects of the Crime of Kidnapping
- Issue Brief on Existing Interventions and their Effectiveness in addressing Kidnappings
- A Baseline of Information on Physical Threats against Women in Nairobi (2012), Battering, Rape, and Lethal Violence,A Working Paper of the Small Arms Survey.
- Availability of Small Arms and Perceptions of Security in Kenya (2012)
- An Assessment A study by the Small Arms Survey and Kenya National Focus Point on Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Conflict, Security and the Extractives Industries in Turkana Kenya Emerging Issues 2012 – 2015
- Crime and Violence Prevention Training Baseline Survey Nakuru and Vihiga
- Devolution is only for development: Decentralization and Elite Vulnerability on the Kenyan Coast.
- Policing the Periphery Opportunities and Challenges for Kenya Police Reserves
- Studies in Crime and Violence Prevention in Kenya A Training Tool for Crime and Violence Prevention