Welcome to The National Crime Research Centre
The National Crime Research Centre (NCRC) is a State Corporation under the Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice established by an Act of Parliament, the National Crime Research Act 1997 CAP 62 Laws of Kenya.
The Centre is mandated to carry out research into the causes of crime, its prevention and to disseminate the research findings and recommendations to Government Agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice, NCRC’s stakeholders and the public. The establishment of NCRC is in line with the International best practice where research has provided critical information on what works to impact on crime and disorder and has helped to generate programmes that can assist criminal justice agencies.
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Latest Crime Research News Highlights
Communication Technology Crimes and Offences in Kenya
This study report comprehensively assesses the prevalence, characteristics, impacts, and challenges of ICT crimes and offences in Kenya. The study found out the most common ICT crimes computer fraud, identity theft and impersonation, and interception [...]
Efficacy and Adequacy Of Criminal Justice Agencies in Kenya: The Case of Children in Conflict with The Law
Study to assessed the efficacy and adequacy of the criminal justice agencies to evaluate the programs and services in place for addressing the needs of children in conflict with the law. The findings of the [...]
National Victimization Survey
The National Crime Victimization Survey was undertaken to map out and analyze the trends of crime victimization to inform policy interventions. Notably, the survey found out that over 50% of Kenyans reported to have been [...]
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