Welcome to Kenya National Crime Research Centre.
The National Crime Research Centre (NCRC) is a State Corporation under The Ministry of Interior and National Administration established by an Act of Parliament, the National Crime Research Act 1997 CAP 62 Laws of Kenya.
The establishment of NCRC is in line with the International best practice where research has provided critical information on what works to impact on crime and disorder and has helped to generate programmes that can assist criminal justice agencies.
The Centre is charged with the mandate of carrying out research into the root causes of crime, trends, consequences, and its prevention and to disseminate the research findings and recommendations to the Government Agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice, NCRC’s stakeholders and the public .
NCRC strives to foster co-ordination in international and regional research, sharing information, infrastructure and mutual assistance. We endeavor to offer practical cost effective solutions to crime that are geared towards improving people’s lives.
- To provide quality and authentic research into causes of crime and its prevention with a view to achieving a crime free society.
- To be a World Class Crime Research Institution.
- To carry out research into the causes of crime and its prevention and to disseminate the research findings and recommendations to the Government Agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice and other stakeholders.
Feature Research Publication