Frequently Asked Questions

The National Crime Research Centre (NCRC) is a State Corporation established under the National Crime Research Act, Cap 62, No. 4 of 1997 Laws of Kenya with the mandate to carry out research into the causes of crime and its prevention and to disseminate research findings and recommendations to Government agencies concerned with the administration of criminal justice, the public and other stakeholders.

Section 5 of the National Crime Research Act gives 8 core objectives of the Centre which include to:

  1. Carry out coordinated research into, and evaluate the impact of programmes pursued by the agencies responsible for the administration of criminal justice
  2. Collate all crime related data.
  3. Carry out research into any criminal activity and in particular: a) Crime causation and prevention; b) Group or culture related crimes; c) Socio-political and economic causes of criminal behavior including drug trafficking, peddling or addiction; d) The modus operandi of persons engaged in any criminal activity; e) Juvenile delinquency;
  4. Carry out research into deviations from the criminal justice system with a view to increasing the awareness and responsibility of the community in the rehabilitation of criminal offenders;
  5. Carry out research into the efficacy and adequacy of criminal investigation and prosecution agencies, the penal system and the treatment of criminal offenders;
  6. Disseminate its research findings through publications, workshops, seminars, the mass media and other appropriate means of dissemination;
  7. Communicate its research findings and recommendations to the agencies of Government concerned with the administration of criminal justice, with a view to assisting them in their policy formulation and planning;
  8. Liaise with any other research bodies within or outside Kenya engaged in the pursuit of similar or related research.

The NCRC was established in 1997 and was operationalized in 2010 after it was delinked from the State Law Office. It commenced its research activities in 2011.

The Centre’s Governing Council is responsible for policy and programme direction. Its specific functions are to:

  1. Formulate research policies and programmes of the Centre.
  2. Direct the research activities of the Centre with a view to ensuring that its objectives as per the NCRC Act, Cap 62, No. 4 of 1997 LoK are achieved.
  3. Plan and organize fund-raising activities to generate funds for the Centre.

The below gives a breakdown of researches done by the Centre as at 2017.

  1. Organized Criminal Gangs in Kenya
  2. Gender Based Violence in Kenya
  3. The Delivery of Community-based Sentences: The case of Community Service Orders in the Meru High Court Administrative Jurisdiction, Kenya
  4. Elections Crimes and Offences in Kenya
  5. Emerging crimes: The Case of Kidnappings in Kenya
  6. Rapid Assessment of Arsons in Secondary Schools in Kenya
  7. Crime and Violence Prevention Baseline Surveys in Kwale and Bungoma Counties

All completed and launched research reports at the Centre can be accessed and downloaded via

The NCRC Mobile Phone Crime Reporting Application is a national mobile phone-based platform that gives members of the public opportunity to report crime incidences in their localities. The application is a paradigm shift in fighting crime through research by use of pocket technology (mobile phone).

It collects, collates, reports and uses data to make individuals and communities more inclusive, safer and free by giving them opportunity to report crime incidences in specific localities. It provides useful information about safety in Kenya.

The NCRC mobile crime reporting app is available to all Android, Windows and iPhone Operating Systems based mobile smart phones. To download and install the app:

  1. Android Operating System mobile phone users: Go to Google Play store, search NCRC Kenya, download and install in your phone (Free Service).
  2. iPhone Operating System (IOS) mobile phone users: Go to App Store, search NCRC Kenya, download and install the application in your phone (Free Service).
  3. Windows Operating System mobile phone users: Go to Windows Store, search NCRC Kenya, download and install the application in your phone (Free Service).
  1. The Centre’s research activities are carried out by a team of professionally trained research experts.
  2. The Governing Council and the Research and Development Committee approves all research themes/topics and closely supervises and validates the entire processes of proposal development, data collection, coding, cleaning, entry, analysis, report writing and dissemination.
  3. The Governing Council comprises experienced practitioners and scholars in public service, academia, NGO’s and agencies in the administration of criminal justice.
  4. All research reports are subjected to a process of peer review and validation by experts, practitioners from public service, private sector, NGO’s and academia.

Yes. The NCRC has active accounts on both Facebook and twitter. Our Facebook account is National Crime Research Centre while our twitter handle is @NCRCKenya.

No. NCRC is an independent government agency from the National Police Service and its Research Officers are only involved in crime research work and not the work of police officers such as detection and investigation of crime and criminals. In fact, NCRC researchers carry out research into the efficacy and adequacy of criminal investigation and prosecution agencies, the penal system and the treatment of criminal offenders.

 Yes. The Centre offers internship placements/ industrial attachments all year round in different disciplines as per the departmental needs. To apply, one should write to the Centre’s Human Resource Manager using the address provide below.

NCRC offices are located at ACK Garden Annex, Ground Floor on 1st Ngong Avenue, off Bishop Road, Nairobi.

National Crime Research Centre ACK Gardens Annex, Ground Floor 1st Ngong Avenue, off Bishop Road P.O. Box 21180-00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel +254 (02) 2714735/ 0722980102 Email:


National Crime Research Center

National Crime Research Centre,
ACK Garden Annex – Ground Floor,
1st Ngong Avenue, Off Bishop’s Road,
P.O. Box 21180-00100, Nairobi.
Mobile:0722 980 102

020 2714735